Friday, November 14, 2008

Ode to my mother

My mom, is an awesome lady. She has been there for me always. She taught me how to be assertive as a woman and be heard. She taught me how to listen to the heart of what someone was truly saying. She made sure that I internalized the"remember who you are and where you came from" as an automatic thought daily. She taught me to always give my best. She taught me that family is sometimes all you have... but then they are all you need. She loved me through times when I thought I knew it all, and clearly did not... and times that I thought I did not have a clue... when the answer was with me all along. Mom developed a great "should" attitude in my life that makes me look at the needs of others even when I have needs of my own. She sets high expectations and I always try to meet them. Mom loves with persistence, teaching us give our whole hearts to those we love. Mom pushed me to be my personal best. In a world that often shirks responsibility to limits personal effort and accountability, mom teaches us to do what is right, no matter what it takes to do it. She is quite the lady.


Ann said...

You are an awesome daughter! You are your own person not someone that is just a sum of other's parts!I'm proud of you and the woman you have become!


Lauren said...

i love my mom too.