Friday, November 7, 2008

Today marks 38 years

This is where it all began... Southeastern Oklahoma State University, Durant Oklahoma. One kiss at the fountain....

Today marks the 38th wedding anniversary of my parents today. They have been a real life example of love for me and my siblings. While we all dream of the fairy tale, with happily ever after, not very many people find a love that meets that fantasy. What my parents have found is something so much more than that fairy tale. They have weathered storms of all sizes. Times with money, times without money, times with family near, times without family at all, times with plenty and times with nothing at all. Through it all, they remain committed to one another and the family they have built together. While sometimes they wonder if their children have learned anything from them,they have been the standard, that we all have held each relationship to ove r the years while we looked for our spouse. Lauren and I looked for a man like our daddy, who was strong and committed to our family, that did whatever it took to provide and love us. Who looked beyond our flaws and loved us in spite of them. Josh and Change both found women that shared the same confidence, fierce protection and love for their family that mom taught us. We are blessed to have such a wonderful example of love. Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad. You

are makingmajor love history!


Lauren said...

Beautifully written about AMAZING PARENTS! And yes, I did marry my father.

I love you mom & Dad. You have made me who I am, and my life doesn't work without you.


Ann said...

What a sweet tribute! When did you take those pictures at the fountain?? What an honor to be on your blog!

Mom and Dad